I had stopped reporting on the Mansoura España Garments Company workers, since July, following the implementation of some of the clauses of the agreement brokered between them and the United Bank, which was considered a victory.
When I went back to Cairo last December for a month, I was told, by a Socialist activist, shortly before leaving back to the US that the United Bank is “trying to dodge the agreement” again, and is planning to sell the factory and liquidate the business. I phoned one of my contacts in the factory, and he confirmed there were “troubles,” but he was about then to meet with the Labor Ministry officials in Cairo for negotiations. I left on the following day to the US, and didn’t follow up on what happened. However, I was troubled today to read this update on the factory by Kareem el-Beheiri, who says the Factory Union Committee is conspiring with the United Bank to facilitate the sale of the company without giving the workers the rest of their rights.
I hope if a fellow journalist and/or activist reads this to follow up on the subject. We need more details and the latest updates to see the best way to organize a solidarity campaign.