The notorious former director of security in Beheira, General Magdi Abu Qamar, whose troops massacred protesters on the Friday of Anger, 28 January 2011, has been acquitted of all murder charges, together with a number of policemen.

Hossam el-Hamalawy
The notorious former director of security in Beheira, General Magdi Abu Qamar, whose troops massacred protesters on the Friday of Anger, 28 January 2011, has been acquitted of all murder charges, together with a number of policemen.
Police General Magdi Abu Qamar, Beheira’s security director during the uprising, whose troops were involved in the murder of protesters, has been promoted, according to the Nadim Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence.
The infamous SS officer Mohannad Abul Einein (seen above shooting at Damanhour protesters during the uprising) is still a free man too. And I’m trying to confirm whether he’s part of the newly founded National Security Sector.