The Mahalla 49 trial resumed today. You can watch photos taken by Sarah Carr and Per Bjorklund. The next session is tomorrow Wednesday.
UPDATE: Here’s a DNE report by Sarah Carr, and another one by El-Badeel.
Hossam el-Hamalawy
The Mahalla 49 trial resumed today. You can watch photos taken by Sarah Carr and Per Bjorklund. The next session is tomorrow Wednesday.
UPDATE: Here’s a DNE report by Sarah Carr, and another one by El-Badeel.
The Mahalla 49 trial has been adjourned until Tuesday, 11 November, when video footage of 6 April Uprising, and photos taken by James Buck will be shown to the court.
UPDATE: Photos of today’s session, taken by Sarah Carr.
The Mahalla 49 trial was adjourned to 8 November.