I received news from Socialist sources in Egypt that Ghazl el-Mahalla workers are staging demonstrations tomorrow Monday 3pm, in solidarity with the people of Gaza, and to denounce the Zionist massacres.
Tag: anti-imperialism
Socialists mobilize hundreds on Cairo U campus against Zionist massacres, Arab regimes مظاهرات طلابية حاشدة بجامعة القاهرة للتنديد بالمذابح الصهيونية وتواطؤ نظام الدكتاتور مبارك كلب الأمريكان
I received the following message from Cairo:
بدعوة من الطلاب الاشتراكيين، يقوم الآن مئات من الطلاب بجامعة القاهرة بالتظاهر تضامنا مع أهالي غزة وضد الصهيونية والإمبريالية والأنظمة العربية المتواطئة وعلى رأسها النظام المصري
Hundreds of students, mobilized by the Socialist Students, in Cairo University are now demonstrating on campus, in solidarity with the citizens of Gaza, against Zionism, Imperialism and the collaborating Egyptian and Arab regimes
Good luck shabab!
UPDATE: The Muslim Brotherhood students started a separate demonstration… but I received news now that the two marches have united… Excellent!
I hope someone is taking photos and/or videos.
UPDATE: Comrade Osama reporting on the demonstration, via SMS today.
The students were chanting: “Gamal, tell your dad: The Egyptian students hate him”
“The Students are like the workers. Both suffer from exploitation.”
“Those in Gaza are our brothers. They are miserably poor like us,” “He who starves his own family and people, is a client dog from head to toes.”
A statement by the Socialist Students is also posted here, denouncing both the Zionist State and the US-backed Mubarak’s dictatorial regime.
UPDATE: A detailed report with photos by Comrade Mostafa.
The student slogans included: “The first demand by the (Egyptian) people is torching down the (Israeli) embassy, and expelling the (Israeli) ambassador…. We will say it one generation after the other: We will be your enemies Israel…” The students also denounced the Arab regimes’ positions towards the Palestinians, and criticized Mubarak for exporting natural gas to Israel..
The protests on campus started separate from one another… So the Socialists mobilized their own, the MBs had their own… but the protesters united after sometime… and toured the campus that fell under the siege of Mubarak’s Central Security Forces and State Security agents. The day was over with a mass conference, where speakers from the Socialist Students, MBs, Ghad and ‘Amal Party gave speeches of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle… The photo below is of the march mobilized by the Socialist Students before they united with the Muslim Brotherhood’s.
Anti-US govt protest
Activists are calling for a demonstration in front of the Lawyers’ Syndicate, Ramses St., Monday, 3 March, 12 noon, to protest Condoleezza Rice’s visit to her client Mubarak in Cairo, to denounce the US support for the massacres in Gaza as well as the sending of US warships to Lebanon’s shores. PLEASE CIRCULATE!