Ali Abdel Fattah, Alexandrian Muslim Brotherhood leader, interviewed at Cairo’s Press Syndicate.
Tag: cairo
Train drivers on STRIKE!
Train drivers are now on STRIKE in Misr Station (Cairo’s Central Train Station in Ramses Sq), demanding their bonuses.
All trains to Upper and Lower Egypt have been blocked by the drivers since 5pm. The head of the Railway Drivers Association is now negotiating with the management.
UPDATE: From Sarah Carr: Drivers have refused latest offer of part payment in July. The police have now involved themselves in convincing drivers to accept offer.
UPDATE: From Per: Police confiscate cameras of three journalists
UPDATE: It’s 9:07pm. I’ve just spoken with Per who says the state-backed union officials were trying to convince the drivers to suspend the strike, but the drivers refused. Still no trains are moving in or out of the station.
UPDATE: It’s 9:11pm. I spoke with one of the drivers. He’s cursing the state union officials, and saying the strike continues.
UPDATE: 9:40pm. From Sarah: Trains running again but negotiations continuing.
UPDATE: It’s 10pm. End of negotiations. Drivers will meet again with management in ten days time.
UPDATE: Per posted a report on his blog, and Sayyed uploaded some pix of the strike to Flickr.
UPDATE: Resources on the struggle of the railway workers here.