Four Muslim Brothers student activists were detained in the Nile Delta town of Tanta.
In Cairo, Al-Azhar University dismissed seven MB students, and barred six others from entering the second term exams.
Hossam el-Hamalawy
Four Muslim Brothers student activists were detained in the Nile Delta town of Tanta.
In Cairo, Al-Azhar University dismissed seven MB students, and barred six others from entering the second term exams.
Once again, the militancy of the base cadres outdid that of their leaders.
Ghazl el-Mahalla workers rejected a compromise offered by the General Union on Wednesday– and initially accepted by a group of the December strike leaders–insisting on continuing the campaign to impeach their corrupt local union officials.
Ghazl el-Mahalla labor leaders arrived in the General Union of Textile Workers, on Wednesday morning for negotiations with the union bureaucrats. In the previous days, I was told, the General Federation of Trade Unions bureaucrats have been floating the idea of offering the Ghazl el-Mahalla workers the right to establish a “Representatives’ Committee” that will work side by side with the current Factory Union Committee the workers were trying to impeach.
The Representatives’ Committee was to include 105 (or 106–I heard the two figures) workers, elected from the floor shops, and was to have a power equal to that of the Factory Union Committee. The Federation was adamant about the impeachment proposal, fearing it could trigger a wave of impeachment proposals in other factories, and in other sectors. The Federation implied to the workers, I was told by an activist who attended the meeting, that the Factory Union Committee was to be “marginalized,” and that the Representatives’ Committee was to have “more say in how things are run in the factory.”
The labor leaders who arrived at the General Union, I was told by one of the December strike leaders, seemed to have accepted the compromise, and considered it a gain. (Even the Workers Coordination Committee’s initial statement I received, celebrated this as a victory. Also Socialist activists I spoke to on Wednesday afternoon, still considered it a “partial gain.”) However, Ghazl el-Mahalla workers’ militancy has outdone everybody’s… THE PROPOSALS WERE REJECTED BY THE FACTORY WORKERS, WHO INSISTED ON THE IMPEACHMENT OF THEIR FACTORY UNION COMMITTEE OFFICIALS.
“The news of the compromise had reached Mahalla already, over the mobile phones, as (the labor leaders) were heading back from Cairo in the buses,” one of the December strike leaders told me Thursday. “The workers at the factory said ahha (note: ahha is Egyptian colloquial for ‘screw this shit’). When they arrived in the factory, and each went to his floor shop and told the rest of what happened, there were angry shouts. The proposal was rejected.”
I asked the labor activist about what was the next step. He assured me the campaign to impeach the Factory Union Committee and the withdrawal from the govt-dominated General Federation of Trade Unions was still on, but did not provide me with details. “The mass resignations are ready. We will not pay a piaster to the Federation at the end of this month. We are out of it,” he said. “The government has to know what happened in December is nothing compared to what’s coming.”
Keep your eyes on Mahalla, dear readers. I assure you there are some fantastic developments in the making.
In other developments, more than 13,000 workers went on strike, 6am Thursday, at Samanoud Textile Factory, according to a statement I received from the Workers’ Coordination Committee, demanding the increase of their monthly food allowance to LE43, as decreed by the Labor Minister following the Kafr el-Dawar Textile strike.
The management of the company tried to avoid giving the workers the same treatment as their brethren at Kafr el-Dawar, claiming the Samanoud Textile company was not public, but private, sector. The workers accused the bosses of lying, as the private sector owns only 22% of the company’s shares, according to the Workers’ Coordination Committee.
The negotiations between the strikers on the one hand, and the management and State Security agents on the other hand, lasted for only two hours, after which the management succumbed to the workers’ demand. The strike was suspended, and work at the factory resumed at 8:30am.
And on the same day, 1900 textile workers went on strike in Ghazl Mit Ghamr company, protesting the witch-hunting campaign launched by the company’s manager Muhammad Abdel Ra’ouf Abdrabbo, who referred 17 workers to administrative disciplinary panels, accusing them of inciting their colleagues to go on strike. The workers had tried to go on strike last week, but suspended the attempt following threates from State Security agents coupled with a promise of a 30-day bonus by the management. (On pay day the management tried to pass this 30-day bonus as a “loan,” but retreated under workers’ pressure.)
The workers, according to the Workers’ Coordination Committee, are demanding the following:
-A halt to the withchunting by the management and revoking any punitive measures against the 17 workers
-Revoking the decision to transfer two labor activists to demoted positions
-Freezing the management board of the local branch of the union which has failed to represent the workers, and electing a new board to run factory union committee
-The non-renewal of the contracts of the company “consultants,” whose salaries are exponential, despite “their failure to provide anything to modernize the factory,” according to the statement I received from the workers coordination committee
-The return of the transportation service that used to be provided by the company, which helped the workers reaching their factory from the villages of Meit Ya’ish, Meit el-Ezz, Meit el-Faramawi, Barhamtoush
-Improving the medical care, which has been subject to austerity measures: There is not a single ambulance in the factory. The factory’s pharmacy is short of supplies.
I’ve received updates from the Workers’ Coordination Committee:
The strike at Ghazl Shebeen el-Kom Textile factory continues. The workers however have asked their hunger-striking colleagues to suspend their hunger strike after the deterioration in their health that required emergency medical aid at the hospital.
The Kafr el-Dawar Textile strike continues, according to the Workers’ Coordination Committee. I’ve also spoken with a Socialist journalist who’s at the moment in Kafr el-Dawar. He told me he could not get into the factory, as it’s guarded by plainclothes police thugs. There are at least 8,000 workers inside the factory, and two thousand assembled outside.
And impressive updates from Zefta, whose textile workers scored a victory yesterday… The workers at the Delta Textile Company in Zefta are threatening to launch a new strike on Saturday, after the management refused to give equal treatment to the company’s workers in its other factory in Tanta. The Zefta workers declared their solidarity with their comrades in Tanta, and warned the management there will be another strike next Sat if the Tanta workers do not get their 45-day bonus by Thursday.
And in Daqahliya, State Security agents aborted a strike planned for today by the Daqahliya Textile Company workers in Meet Ghamr. The Gestapo agents noticed the workers bringing inside the factory last night blankets, which they were going to use to sleep on during their planned sit-in that was to start today… so the agents went on an intimidation campaign and distributed a list of names of 17 workers saying they would be arrested if a strike took place. The strike was aborted, but the situation is still tense in the factory, and it may escalate.
اللجنة التنسيقية للحقوق والحريات النقابية والعمالية
البيان الخامس
عن إضرابات كفر الدوار وشبين الكوم وميت غمر وطنطا وزفتى
استمرار إضراب كفر الدوار
تصاعد ألأحداث بطنطا وزفتى من جديد
استمرار إضراب غزل شبين الكوم
إجهاض إضراب ميت غمر
شبين الكوم:
مازال إضراب عمال شبين مستمر حتى الآن ، وقد تمكن العمال بإقناع العديد من زملائهم بفض الإضراب عن الطعام حتى يتمكنوا من الاستمرار في المقاومة حيث عدل عن الإضراب عن الطعام غالبية المضربين منهم وتجرى مفاوضات بين العمال وباقي المضربين ،وناحية ثانية بدأ العمال في اتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية لسحب الثقة من اللجنة النقابية وهو ما دفع الشركة لتسريب إشاعة بأن هناك محاولة لحل الأزمة أنها ستصرف الأرباح للعمال مساء اليوم أو صباح غد ، وقد قوبلت هذه الإشاعة باستهجان من العمال ورفضوا الحديث عنها أو عن اى وعود مستقبلية دون أن يروا واقعا ملموسا أمامهم.
كفر الدوار :
مازال عمال شركة الغزل بكفر الدوار (مصر للغزل والنسيج الرفيع) مضربين عن العمل ورغم صعوبة الأحوال الجوية فقد عاشت المدينة أجواء إضراب 1994 حيث خرجت إشاعة للمدينة بأن العمال فضوا الإضراب وما أن علم العمال بهذه الشائعة حتى قاموا بتشغيل صفارة الإنذار للإعلان عن استمرارهم في الإضراب وردت عليهم المساجد العمالية التي تحيط بالمصانع والشركات بالنداء في الميكروفونات لدعوة الاهالى لمساندة العمال المضربين وإرسال الأطعمة والأغطية لهم وهو ما دفع بعض الاهالى للتدافع على البوابات لتقديم الدعم للعمال ، وعلى صعيد آخر تشهد المدينة محاولات لإنشاء لجنة تضامن مع العمال خاصة أن جميع العاملين في مصانع النسيج الأخرى ينتظرون ما سيحصل عليه عمال مصر للغزل والنسيج الرفيع باعتبارها اكبر الشركات المتواجدة في المدينة وأكثرها قدرة للضغط والحصول على المطالب.
طنطا وزفتى:
بعد أن نجحت شركة الدلتا للغزل والنسيج بفض إضراب مصنع نسيج زفتى التابع لها عندما أصدرت منشور بصرف 45 يوم خلال أربع أيام تنتهي يوم الخميس القادم ،عادت الأحداث لتتصاعد من جديد لأن الشركة لم تتبع نفس النهج في مصنعها بطنطا حيث أصدرت منشور ذكرت فيه أنها تدرس إمكانية إعطاء العمال 45 يوم ،عكس منشور زفتى الذي قررت فيه صرف ال 45 وليس دراسة الصرف وهو ما دفع الأحداث للتصاعد في طنطا ودفع أيضا عمال زفتى لإعلان تضامنهم مع زملائهم بمصنع طنطا حيث أعلنوا الإضراب الشامل عن العمل بالمصنعين بداية من يوم السبت القادم إذا لم يتم صرف 45 يوم لجميع عمال الشركة في طنطا وزفتى يوم الخميس القادم.
ميت غمر:
نجح الأمن في إجهاض إضراب عمال مصنع ميت غمر التابع لشركة الدقهلية للغزل والنسيج حيث بدأ العمال بوردية الليل بالأمس في إحضار البطاطين معهم استعدادا لإعلان الإضراب اليوم ، وهو ما دفع الشركة لإبلاغ أمن الدولة وطوال ليلة أمس تعرض العمال لتهديدات لمنع الإضراب ، وتم إعداد قائمة ب 17 اسم من العمال أعلنت للجميع أنه في حالة الإضراب سوف يتم اعتقالهم ، كما تم منح أربعة عمال إجازة إجبارية حتى يوم السبت القادم واخطروا بعدم الذهاب للمصنع ،وهى الإجراءات التي نجحت في إجهاض إضراب اليوم إلا أنها لم تنجح في إخماد ثورة العمال بالمصنع وربما تدفعها للتصاعد من جديد .
واللجنة التنسيقية تناشد كل القوى الوطنية إعلان تضامنها مع العمال ،كما تطالب القوى السياسية بإرسال وفود للعمال في مصانعهم للاستماع إلى مطالبهم ومساندتهم فالحصار الامنى لعمال كفر الدوار والإجراءات التي اتخذت في مواجهة عمال ميت غمر تستدعى قيام القوى الوطنية باتخاذ مواقف علنية للتضامن مع العمال وإطلاق حرياتهم في المطالبة بحقوقهم دون تهديد أو مصادرة وتجويع
اللجنة التنسيقية للحقوق والحريات النقابية والعمالية
الثلاثاء 6/2/2007
الساعة الثالثة والنصف عصرا