An unbelievably brave young Egyptian takes on a Central Security Forces armored vehicle on the Friday of Anger, in Agouza, Giza.
Tag: giza
#Jan25 police circus trials
Families of martyrs who fell during the uprising are now staging a sit-in in front of the State TV building, Maspero, after the trial of 13 Giza policemen have been adjourned to 3 July. The families feel the trial is nothing but a circus, saying they are coming under pressure from the police to drop the charges against the accused pigs. Moreover, those policemen, the families say, are actually still in service and have not been even taken into custody.
Piggipedia: SS General Mohsen Hafzi اللواء محسن حفظي
From Piggipedia |
Appointed on 14 April 2011 as the governor of Daqahliya, former State Security Police General Mohsen Hafzi has been the target of ongoing protests by the citizens in the province, over his ties to the Mubarak’s regime and the dissolved SS.
It’s no secret General Hafzi was a close aid to Mubarak’s former interior minister, General Habib el-Adly. Though Hafzi reached his retirement age in 2009, he was among those generals who received the annual extension of service, decreed in person by Adly.
Hafzi spent a long years of his career in SS, before he went on to assume senior positions in the ministry’s departments in charge of tourism and business. By 2007, he was already the security director of Giza, and two years later he became the minister’s first assistant for security in both Giza and the 6th of October provinces.
Hafzi’s ties with his SS mentors never ceased for a moment throughout his career. A leaked 2007 SS document, for example, discusses his proposal to install CCTV cameras to spy on Cairo University students. Hafzi is also accused of involvement in the crackdown on, and the murder of, Coptic protesters in Giza’s Omraniya district in November 2010.
Instead of facing justice in a public trial after the revolution, Essam Sharaf‘s cabinet rewarded him with a promotion as a governor. This is another reason why we should be in Tahrir on 27 May.