Human rights and leftist organizations are rallying for the CTUWS, in the face of a renewed crackdown. Rights watchdogs will be forming a “protection group” of activists who will remain constantly in the Center for Trade Union Rights office in Helwan, to defend it from any attempt by the government to shut it down.
A delegation of activists will go tomorrow Tuesday 10:30am to meet the Minister of Social Affairs, to protest the state assault. There will be also a press conference at the CTUWS office, 2pm in Helwan, to brief reporters about the attack.
UPDATE: Here’s an English translation of the statement:
Solidarity Campaign of Egyptian Civil Society Organizations with Center for Trade Union and Workers Services “CTUWS”
Press Conference on Tuesday 24/4/2007
Non Governmental organizations participating in the meeting, held this morning, Monday the 23rd of April 2007, discussed actions that should be taken in response to the administrative and security authorities’ attacks on CTUWS, which culminated in the threat to close down the Central Office in Helwan, after the closure of Naja’a Hamady branch on Thursday 29 March, and Mahalla branch on Wednesday 10 April.
Civil Society Organizations signatories to this urgent statement have announced that they will continue to uphold the CTUWS, and emphasized their hard struggle using all forms of lobbying tools against that serious crack down, which indicates the beginning of a wider attack against social society organizations as a whole, foremost human rights organizations.
Organizations signatories to this statement have reached the following decisions:
* The organization of an ongoing sit in of NGO representatives in the main office of CTUWS in Helwan to join efforts with the organziaiton’s team in case of any further interventions or provocations.
* A delegation representing civil society and human rights organizations will meet tomorrow morning, Tuesday 23 April at 10.30 am, with the Minister of Social Solidarity asking for clarifications concerning the issue, and the role of the Ministry regarding the administrative provocations that CTUWS has witnessed.
* Civil society organizations will then organize a Press Conference, tomorrow, Tuesday 24 April at 2 P.M. at the main office, to announce the outcome of the meting with the Minister and their subsequent plan of action.
* Civil society organizations signatory to this statement have decided that their campaign will continue to address all civil society organizations, activists, independent newspapers and media, in addition to all individuals concerned with the right of expression and freedom of organization.
The Press Conference will be held at CTUWS office in Helwan
Address: No. 1 (A) Muhammad Said Ahmad Street, Petrogas Buildings.
Alexandria Building – Helwan
Signatories in alphabetical order: