State Security police in Nekhel, in cooperation with a local NDP parliament member, blackmailed this 18 year old Sinai Bedouin, into poisoning to death Salem Abu Lafi and Moussa el-Dalh, both wanted by the police. The 18 year old was promised to receive LE30,000 and the release of his father who’s been sentenced to 25 years in prison. The attempt failed, and in the above video the kid is confessing and admitting the plot.
Tag: ss
Resources on Egypt’s State Security Police
The return of the pig
As I was going through the photos of Sunday’s protest. I found a very pleasant surprise. A blast from the past. A very familiar face popping up in the background of some of the pix. Officer Amr Mohsen is back!
Egypt’s State Security Police: It stays in the family
[Click to Enlarge]
A graph by Moftasa showing 63 family links between 174 officers from a sample of 456 Egyptian state security officers.