Message from Belfast:
The University of Ulster Jordanstown Students’ Union fully supports the Egyptian Property Tax Collectors in their fight to establish independent trade unions in Egypt.
Gerry Carroll, VP of Ulster Jordanstown S.U.
Hossam el-Hamalawy
At a time when their leaders are in languishing in prison following a military tribunal, their organizers are still targeted by the police, their student union elections candidates are violently assaulted by security thugs, when education fees are skyrocketing as the country embraces a global recession, the Muslim Brotherhood student activists are responding by a campaign, according to a statement I received, for:
morals, Islamic dress codes for boys and girls, and issues related to the youth like regulations for socializing between the two genders and the proper way to talk.
The Egyptian Socialist Students are extending their solidarity to their French counterparts who are fighting against the privatization of the education system.