Tag: women
‘The mother was very ugly, and was therefore destined to be killed along with her fetus, since everyone thought it would look ugly’
You can understand why the US will never ditch Mubarak, if it has such a long, rich, fantastic history of stretching the hands of friendship to staunch democrats like him in every corner of the world–democrats who would not hesitate to kidnap women, rape them in custody and put together
lists of military men who wished to adopt babies born in captivity. “The pregnant detainees received special treatment up until the delivery. After giving birth, the mothers were killed and the babies were given away”.
Caraballo said that he wanted to take one baby whose mother “was very ugly, and was therefore destined to be killed along with her fetus, since everyone thought it would look ugly”. The woman, about 36 years old, “was held in El Campito for a long period of time and suffered a great deal. Her friends made her do exercises meant to alleviate labor pains during childbirth. It really shocked me that she did all these exercises and was then thrown out of a plane with her unborn baby”.
“One day, when I was not on guard duty in El Campito, this pregnant woman was taken on a ‘flight’ together with other prisoners. I asked for her baby even though I had children of my own, because I felt it would be a pity to kill it”.