I didn’t get the time to blog about it over the past few days… but regarding the horrible fighting happening in Gaza and the West Bank, my loyalty will always go the Palestinian people in the first place, and hence would like very much to see the resistance fighters stopping the fucking infighting, and solely focusing their operations against the occupation. However, I can’t see the two sides equally guilty in this current saga. I can never be on the side of Dahlan and his thugs, who are regular visitors to Egypt, and where their gangsters receive military training on the hands of Mubarak’s Gestapo, showered with US tax payers money. It’s those Fatah traitors who are responsible for the dismal situation in the territories, together with their master Abu Mazen, the dog who would sell his people if it meant he stays on his throne like any other Arab dictator. What’s happening today in Gaza and the West Bank is nothing but a plot that started from day 1 to Hamas’s triumph in elections, to undermine the elected Palestinian government… and all parties are involved, from the bloody US govt and Israel to the Arab regimes and their dogs in the Fatah leadership.
People are surprised Hamas fighters have stormed the Preventive Security camps?! They say its a “Coup against Legitimacy?”! What do you know about legitimacy ya zebalet Fatah?! Legitimacy, and you are the ones who lost all legitimacy as proved by the elections, due to your clientalism, corruption and failure in armed struggle. And those Preventive Security agents are no ones but Dahalan’s thug, who are very similar to Mubarak’s State Security but with more lethal rates of killings and torture of dissidents in the Oslo years and resistance fighters after the outbreak of the intifiada. I spit on you!
As for Hamas leadership: Have you seen the dead end of your contradictory bullet/ballot policies?!You can NOT fight occupation and at the same time be on the head of an entity that was created by the occupation itself. This is the dead end of reformism. The Oslo-founded Palestinian Authority should have been dissolved, not reformed, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to reform its institutions. You won in elections, a clean elections, unlike here in Egypt, but still they did not recognize your legitimacy… and instead of calling on the Arab people to mobilize on your behalf to pressure their governments to break the siege, you went on ass-kissing tours in the Arab capitals, begging from the leaders not the people to help you out, and appeared thanking President X for doing this and King Y for doing that. The same, same, same mistake Fatah had fallen into since its establishment, with Arafat wanting to find for himself a place among those dictators while confronting Israel.
Down with Dahlan’s Fatah thugs! Down with Mubarak’s Mukhabarat agents in Gaza! Down with the US govt and its Israeli dogs! Resistance fighters unite against the Zionist State!