Around 50 Kefaya activists in Mansoura demonstrated today in front of the United Bank, to protest the bank’s mistreatment of its Mansoura-España Garments Company workers. Simultaneously, a trade unionist delegation arrived in Cairo for negotiations with the Labor Ministry, the bank’s management, and the General Federation, only to find their meeting was postponed till tomorrow as Hussein Megawer the head of the Federation did not show up, according to a trade unionist, because he was busy with visitors from the US.
Meanwhile, the United Bank continued its crackdown on the factory workers, referring six new names for disciplinary board, on charges of instigating a strike, which may decree a new wave of sacking:
Sahar Shouman
Lawahez Ali
Badri Bedeir
Saad Abdel ‘Al
Hanaa Abdel Wahab
Mohsen Abdel Nabi