Activists are organizing a sit in at the Press Syndicate, 12 noon, on 9 November, to protest the sexual assaults against women during Eid. The activists are demanding the resignation of General Habib el-Adly, the Interior Minister whose security forces stood by watching the assaults without intervention.
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We became an unsecure country anymore!!! i am wondering what else is missing for this country to be the worst country EVER!!!!
Hasbya Allah wa ne3ma alwakeel. If this outrageous disaster happened here in the UK, the prime minister and the whole cabinet would have resigned. If they cannot defend woman walking in main streets, why on earth are they rulling the country?
نعم أقيلوه
ألا يكفيه ما حدث للمصريات
أم ينتظر أن ينتكهكن جميعا حتى يرضيه
نريد القصاص
اين الأزهر
this looks very much like when women were raped a few years back at the Puerto Rican Parade in nYc. to my knowledge there was a lot of media response to what happened so there HAD to be a legal one. that by no means suggests that everyone involved got in trouble for it…
a few thoughts: but the more Egyptians get “democratized” and “liberated” the more these things will occur. there is a larger spiritual crisis going on in the world and it manifests itself in many forms: from gang attacks in Egypt to child porn exploding in america…
its being lost in a colonised mentality…where you are always inferior if you are not using the west’s model for everything…the muslim world will never beat the west at the wests game…militarily that’s been proven true…economically that is true…and now socially
there is a difference between modernizing subtly meaning westerninzing, if they folks in Egypt were not so busy trying to act like the west, perhaps they could modernize in a unique and better way.
الموضوع لازم يفضل كبير والمفروض الناس اللى قايمين على موضوع اقالة الوزير مايكسلوش ويكبروا الموضوع
ارجو الا نكتفى بجمع التوقيعات ولكن علينا جمع اكبر عدد من الشهادات فى محاولة لاجهاض المؤمرة التى تحاك للمدونين كخطوة اولى
ثم علينا تنظيم جهودنا فى حملة ضد التحرش والمتحرشين نناقش اسبابها ومن المسؤل الذى اوصلنا لهذه الحالة
اننا امام مجتمع يحتضر وانقاذه واجب علينا جميعا قبل ان يكون الحل اما الموت او الهروب
لازم يقال
أيوه يقال والله أعلم إنه إنه مسنوووووووووووووووووود
ولازم يقيلوه ويرموه في الزبالة
i read about this story in today i found it quiet sad and oppersive if this happend in a westeren country you better believe these young men would be in jail.
العادلي هو الحجاج بن يوسف
هو السفياني الذي سيحارب المهدي المنتظر
هو هامانالذي باع دينه بدينا غيره
حقا اعجز ان اجد 11 فرقا بينه وبين المسيخ الدجال
العادلي هو ذلك الشخص الذي لايمكلك من اسمه شيئا ولو انصفو لسموه الظالمي
العادلس هو السبب في تفشي الرعب ف العشوائيات والمظاهرات واقسام الشرطة واخيرا في نص البلد
لا تكفوا بالاقالة ولكن حاكموا المجرم
اقتلوا هذا الخادم للكلب مبارك وبالنسبة لمبارك فيكفي ان يعلق رأسة في ميدان التحرير بيكون عبرة لمن يعتبر
el3adly must be removed for a million reasons, this one is but the cherry on the top. elmohem eno we must not forget that the roots of these attacks on women reside elsewhere. the security forces did not defend the women who were being attacked. true. they screwed up bigtime. true. but the attackers and what/who they stand for should also be the issue in the protest. egyptian men need to be enlightened ba2a! kefaya 2araf! why should women endure the crappy treatment and the sexual objectification? why should we be weary of every stupid ass who brushes against us on the street or comes near our car window and wonder whether this time it would suffice to curse him, kick him in the nuts, walla ne3mel fedee7a w nelem 3aleh midan el ta7rir kollo? 3ala amal eno yeb2a 3ebra le man ya3taber??
we demonstrated against so much unfairness fel balad w barraha. i guess it’s about time we tackled the unfairness caused by our brave men, el masreyeen, el 2osood, el …. lamo2akhza… walla balash..
i have no comment that would usefull for anyone in that matter than i am really ashamed of being egyption and i want someone to tell me how can i get the israelian nationality
من غير كلام كفاية كده اوي عليه و كفاية اللي عمله في المصريين هو و رجالته و الله حرام يقضل قاعد و لغاية امتي كفاية بقة كفااااااااااااية
I am a regular visitor to Egypt since 1997 mainly on holiday and to say I AM SHOCKED is putting it mildly. I am a woman from the UK, Manchester, and this has really left me stunned. I was so in awe of the way Egypt behaved towards its women and I have always felt safe. all the men I have met have been very respectful. NOW I will have to think again – I was just about to book my next holiday BUT I will have to give it some thought.
As much as my heart is with the women who found themselves in such a situation, as much as I can empathise with how terrible it must have been for them, I think we need to put them aside to understand what happened. A coward finds courage in the group – and with endemic moral weakness it becomes easy to convince someone to give up moral conventions and do what they would have otherwise told you is wrong. I think we need a sexual revolution. We need to modify our beliefs to match reality. Marriage is not possible? Well, so be it, modify marriage, dont make it so demanding financially. WE HAVE TO CHANGE : BOTH MEN AND WOMEN> We all want the same things, we want fulfillment, sexual and spiritual, we want each other, and you can hold back the tide of life only for so long. It will eventually break and engulf you and everything with it. These women and these men are both victims: victims to a perpetual decay that has been gnawing at our society for at least 30 years. Its time for a radical change. Its time for revolt. Its time to turn the tables, burn the curtains, destroy the stage. Its time to stand up for ourselves – for history will not FORGIVE us.
Di blad weskha fe kol 7aga
أقيلوا العميل الخائن مصيرة مثل صدام و شارون صفيحة الزبالة و آخرتة سودة انشاء الله اين مبارك مما يحدث اهو نائم ام بيستهبل لانة كلبة المخلص الأمين حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل.
Well, sad to say, I am not surprised. We all know how frustrated men are in Egypt, a walk in any public place can reveal how lost the youth are. Walking around with no purpose except to bother young women, veiled and unveiled, because there is no respect for women and no self-respect either. It is definitely a sign that our society is in a huge azma, if you haven’t noticed.
I wouldn’t even have counted on the police anyway. What police?? They would have said that the women were dressed too sexy and they provoked the men. That is our society. It’s a shame. If I was the girl harrassed I would have made the biggest fedi7a, in fact I would have beat them all up because they are just a bunch of imbeciles.
But I’m sure the disbelief and utter shock of being attacked in such a way made these young women panic and try to just hide themselves. Why do women have to go through this shit?? Can’t Egyptian men behave?? Yes of course these men are needy and frustrated and maybe poor and uneducated, but it’s so bad that they feel it’s okay to harm a human being just because she is a woman and “she’ll get over it”. No, it is a big deal, it must have been very scary and embarrassing for them and it should not go unpunished!!! I really hope the independant media makes a huge fuss about it, please people, let’s keep making noise!!! And don’t count on government newspapers to tell the truth, never.
I see this as a symptom of the sexuality and sexual repression endemic in Islamic Society. If men and women were free to express themselves sexually without fear of punishment from the self appointed “moral guardians”, they would probably have found themselves in relationships, or at least with acceptable outlets for their needs, both men and women. Sex is not bad, it is how society treats it that is harmful and causes the greatest problems. The disparity in power between men and women is also something that must be addressed. The women felt threatened, yet the supposed forces of law and order did not protect when she clearly needed it. Had she been consenting to the sexual attention then, there would have been no call for the police to intervene. These police have failed in their duty.
What reforms do we need? Liberalisation of attitudes towards sexual beaviour for a start. “Honour” is not something that can be taken away by sexual beaviour. People should be free to engage in consenting behaviour with whatever adult consents to that behaviour without fear of attack by a third party. Then society will be much healthier and we will be happier and safer. The police should learn that even if they look like they will be beaten up by a mob, it is their honour to defend the weak, who need their assistance.
اتمنى لو ان يتم اقالته و لكنى اعلم السيناريو سيتم تغيير وزارى محدود فيه حبيب العادلى و سيتم منحه وسام الطبقة الاولى كالعادة
لمجهوداته العظيمة و سلملى على الترماى
I live in the UK and it saddens me to read this story. Isn’t this against Islam? Isn’t Egypt meant to be an Islamic state? What’s the government doing about this? They should take firm action and lock up the guys doing this. Wastagfirulla
i swear.. no solution but leaving this country.. mafeesh fayda
i guess this is the most right time to say
( get the fuck off our back )
to mr habeeb el 4adly ….. we shall remember u .. u know with what ???
with shame and disgust ..
viva EGYPT
الوزارة كلها لازم تتحل يا عرباوي
مش العدلي بس
لكن مبدئيا ده دورنا كمدونين اننا نفضل نفكر الناس
احنا اساسا شعب قصير الانفاس و ننسعى بمنتهى السهولة و السرعة
نقعد نصرخ و نلطم و نشجب و في الاخر نخرس
لأ المرة دي لأ
الناس كلها لازم تعرف اللي حصل و تتأكد انه مش اشاعات زي الحكومة ما بتروج
ولازم يفضلوا فاكرين
وفي الاخر باضم صوتي لصوتك
اقيلوا حبيب العادلي
what egypt needs now is purging in reverse,the people must rise and be emancipated carry out an orange revolution.kiffaya efendi wi basha lets call
for true justice and equality for all.Damn it how long will the people of this nation remain submissive dogs?.
i agree, el3adly must be removed
Me as a girl and i’m working in Talaat harb ,I feel afraid walking in the street these days.
for sorry the police men are also sayes bad words to girls whom walking in the street.
Allah Helps us.
يجب اقالة هذا الرجل من زمن من اول محاولات هتك عرض الصحفيات الى محاولات هتك عر ض بنات العيد
وبينهما الكثير من التجاوزات الامنية
اهمها فى الانتخابات و ما يحدث للمتظاهرين
انا لا استطيع ان اشتم العادلى و مبارك لانى اخاف من الله و لكن اريد ان اقول ان المسئول الرئيسى عن كل اهانات الشعب المصرى هو مبارك و العادلى مه هو الا احد الاساليب لذلك يجب على كل الشعب ان ينادى باقالة مبرك نفسه و لحد كه و كفاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااية
الموضوع لازم يفضل كبير والمفروض الناس اللي قائمين على موضوع إقالة الوزير مايكسلوش ويكبروا الموضوع
أرجو ألا نكتفي بجمع التوقيعات ولكن علينا جمع اكبر عدد من الشهادات في محاولة لإجهاض المؤامرة التي تحاك لنا كخطوة أولى ثم علينا تنظيم جهودنا في حملة ضد التحرش والمتحرشين نناقش أسبابها ومن المسئول الذي أوصلنا لهذه الحالة إننا أمام مجتمع يحتضر وإنقاذه واجب علينا جميعا قبل أن يكون الحل إما الموت أو الهروب
مصر لازم تفضل بخير زى ما فتحت بيوتنا ووصلتنا لأعلى المستويات حيث كنت مساعد رئيس شركة أنبى للبترول حتى طلعت معاش فى 15/6/2006 ولكن بالرغم من انى فوق الستين و علشان بلدنا بخير فضلت فى الشركة برضة و بدرجة مستشار رئيس شركة براتب شهرى ثلاثين الف جنية فى إحدى شركات وزارة البترول وانا فى المعاش , يبقى لازم الخير دة يفضل وإنقاذ مصرواجب علينا جميعا.
إحدى شركات وزارة البترول / مهندس / سمير توفيق الأشوح – مستشار رئيس شركة أنبى للبترول
– محمول 0101681396
على كل مواطن دفع خمسون قرش الى مؤسسات حقوق الانسان ورفع قضايا فى الداخل والخارج للاقاله المجرم حسنى مبارك وعصابته
على كل مواطن دفع خمسون قرش الى مؤسسات حقوق الانسان ورفع قضايا فى الداخل والخارج للاقاله المجرم حسنى مبارك وعصابته
على كل مواطن دفع خمسون قرش الى مؤسسات حقوق الانسان ورفع قضايا فى الداخل والخارج للاقاله المجرم حسنى مبارك وعصابته
على كل مواطن دفع خمسون قرش الى مؤسسات حقوق الانسان ورفع قضايا فى الداخل والخارج للاقاله المجرم حسنى مبارك وعصابته
ya rab…
ya rab…
ya rab…
3ala kol zalem …
i hope to see egypt in best place…
ya rab………
ya rab…
ya rab…
ya rab…
3ala kol zalem …
i hope to see egypt in best place…
ya rab………
ya rab…
ya rab…
ya rab…
3ala kol zalem …
i hope to see egypt in best place…
ya rab………
ya rab…
ya rab…
ya rab…
3ala kol zalem …
i hope to see egypt in best place…
ya rab………
يا جدعان خلوه يمشى و يغور فى 60 داهية هو و كل الحكومة المعفنة دى والله حاجة تقرف بجد و زبالة أوى فى حق المصريين
lool ana msh la2y ay 7ad by2ool kelma kwaisa.. 3alashan antoo walahii ely shwayet 3alam mabtefhamsh..ana 3aiz wa7ed bas mn kool ely 3amaleen yshtemo dool.. yshta3`l zabet l modet shahreen…law ma3amalsh awsa7` mn ely el zobat bt3melo delwa2ty ab2a ana mabafhamsh 7aga..
matantakedoosh el 7aga 3`er lama te3esho feha.. ana kont zayoko keda fe yoom mn el ayam.. bas lama garabt any akoon zabet we afdal a3ed sha3`al 16 sa3a fe el yoom we btwsal any marawa7sh beety 7`als b el asboo3 we kool sho3`ly aslan any asma3 shakawy el nas we 7`ana2at we 7`lafat.. la2eet an el mawdoo3 mo7`taleef 7`ales..
law sama7to 3edo tafkerkomn ne7yt el shorta..matkonosh a3daa2 leha we 7`alas.. 3alashan homa mohemethom ytaba2o el kanon msh anohom y7`no2o el sha3b.. salaam
yarabi what’s that am so best off the governemet even if they come arrest me now am ready to face them and ask ” e7na lih rokhas 3alikoma wy keda??” what’s that ??? houma msh 3arfeen en sha3bena mo3zammo wel majority fyh sick people??? lih mayenzeloush fil 3eed ye7mo el nas mn ba3daha and establish peace and order am so so so too sick of this .
my story is that this happened to me and mum in khan el khalili when we by chance been there in the ” moled” we didn’t know we were just coming froms pain and we had no idea what’s going on especially that we got used to the crwod every where when a whole street full by men tryed to harresse us we held hands me and mum and they were setting us a part the matter is that i had self defense but i forgot from the shock and i had hands touching me every where all over my body me and mum and see the contradicting society we’re living in i saw a 40’s old woman from the country side wearing a very open galabeya along with al waboor infront of her that small heater with fire and a cigarrette is that the image of egytpain country side woman i read about ??? no WAY!!!
we were rescued by two soliders and two young men from cairo apparently the most terrifying is that the prayers ” el adan ‘ was calling when we were being almost raped ya3ni,,,,,,,,,am too sick of what our governement is dping to us e7na ezay balad msh 3arfa tendaf ezay mshs hayfeen wala 3shan 3aysheen fi molk tany wala eih ezay e7na nas mane3rafsh el nezam ezay dewal zi el kuwiat w el sauida we dubai fyhom nezam w e7teram w sense of nationalism el balad betekhrab wento mewaf2een tb 2alael2a2al e7mouna mn nafsena bs wala eih msh hamemkom sybohom yedebo fi ba3d yan3i???? ya gama3a sahl sahl gdn en els horta takhoiud balha menena zy mabeyakhdo balhom mn ay agnaby ana dakhalt el mat7af be el pasport elli msh masryu 3shan a2o7taram bgd this makes me not stay here any more and hate it even more this’s incredible am so pest off and stop over talking and let;s press for doing something or even demonstrate and am in
thank you
sara kira
I am not Egptian, but I been in Egypt for 6 Years, from 1979 to 1985, they are the best people in the world. a couple of bad apple do not represent the rest of Egyptians.
7asbeya Allah wa ne3ma elwakil.
مصرى ات معتقل دوت مصر مش حكومه اليكرونيه
لا والجديد حكومه ننويه
طب اعل ايه الطممممممم
الراجل ده مش لازم يتشال لوحده لازم هوه واللى اكبر منه
كل ما نسأل حد يقولك بناء على تعليمات الرئيس
يبقى ايه ؟؟؟؟
السلم بينضف من فوق ياجماعه
الراجل ده مجرد سلمه ومكسوره كمان
السلام عليكم
اعتقد ان الحل الوحيد لكي نضع حدا لمهزلة حكام مصر أن نقوم بثورة شعبية كالثورة الفرنسية
ثورة دامية تترك عبرة لكل فاسد وظالم
وتقتص من طبقة كانت وبالا على المصريين
مبارك وابنة و حرمةوحبيب وكمال وصفوت واحمد عز وغيرهم
ان اله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بأنفسهم
ربنا يخده هو واللى معاه وكبيرهم كمان
اللهم ما اسكنه القبور
وثبته فى النار
تكون مصيره ودار
كفاية حرام
كفاية حرام
كفاية حرام
كفاية حرام
كفاية حرام
كفاية حرام
كفاية حرام
كفاية حرام
كفاية حرامكفاية حرام
كفاية حرام
كفاية حرام
كفاية حرام
منهم لله
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
.حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل .حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
دي اقل حاجة انة يتشال, المفروض يتقدم لمحاكمة كمان بسبب كل المصائب اللي حصلت في عهدة واللي ماحصلتش قبل كدة
اللي حصل دة لو في اي دولة متحضرة كان المسئول قدم استقالتة من نفسة
ما هي الشرطه بالوسطه والمحسوبيه منتظريين ايه من ناس داخله بدفع الفلوس المبالغ اللى بتصول ل 100 الف و300 الف غير كدا الشاب المصري بيقول ايه لزميه بيقول البلد ديه مش بتاعتنا وزميله بيقول ديه بلدهم مفيش حد حاسس بالانتماء للبلد بسبب الوسطه والمحسوبيه يارب الفلوس اللى بيخدوها ويقبضوها تكون نار في اجوافهم حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
اتقوا الله فى العباد
قادر ربنا يخلصل
Egypt is great and Allah protect it for ever and i like the say, a couple of bad apple do not represent the rest of Egyptians. First we need to be re-educated and learn how to love and respect our country. If it happened, we will love and respect each other.
أقيلوه بس ؟؟؟ اقتلوه … اعدموه … قطعوه وارموه لكلاب السكك الرجل البوبي .. نعم بوبي عائلة مبارك الواطي .. هو مجرد بوبي لحراسة عائلة مبارك وليس أكثر من ذلك .. فلا أمن في مصر ولا أمان مطلقاً … حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
هو لسه في عين يفضل في مكانه اظن انه واحد مكانه مش يستقيل و بس ده ينتحر كمان
i am a pakistani origin female living in the middle east for a number of years. if i compare arab male attitudes and behaviour wherever it’s coming from, whoever it is shaped by, i find pakistani male behaviour and attitude towards females somewhat more civilized.
as a universal given, females are victimised and brutalised all over the world, especially physically. and it might b true in pakistan as well.
but despite political and economic troubles that the country experiences we have never witnessed a breakdown of social structure or family structure to this extent. rapes, assaults are all possible but it will never be heard of in the cairo way. of course there were salesmen and shop owners who were trying to give protection to the victimised females and so we must remain positive.
also we will need to study it as part of the mob psychology, actions in collective psychology, the group mind, that rises above any individual’s mind.
in pakistani culture, women are not made targets of public anger or as a display of islamic hold.
i also heard 5 years ago about groups of lebanese or palestinian groups who went around raping australian women in australia and every time they said this is in revenge of what israel is doing in palestine. come on guys why are u so obsessed with this thing, u will just look the criminal at the end. death and destruction is everywhere in all forms, u cannot resist it if it is something very overpowering. either u organize a force and fight and defeat them or just stop making so much noise about it. it makes us sad and depressed.
however, i also feel at the same time the arab culture allows women much more day to day freedoms and independence than pakistani.
i am not comparing to indian because i know indians are also capable of similar crimes like they raped some swiss lady who was visiting india on a GOVERNMENT visit with the government delegation. the security guards did it. so even they dont have that basic or deep core respect for females. also indian soldiers are always raping in kashmir.
but we are not going psycho about it and assaulting our own women or women of other nations in revenge.
arab men are also more tolerant of women and women’s independence those that are and i really respect that.
in essence my comment was that such actions so far have not taken place in pakistan and there is a harsh and brutal perception of females in the arab world. but i have seen on net and chat, pakistani younger boys very ugly towards women but generally it never harms her physically or to create public disgrace for her.
وأنا كمان نفسي يغور هو و كل الحرامية و الفاسدين
i forgot to add that i have been a victim of few violent outbursts from arabian males. they were not very young boys. they were near 30 and probably professional. it did not get physical thank God.
one was on a customer services desk, imagine customer services, and i added to all my vocabulary of bad language. f–k, a– , whatever, it turned out that ISP had the main office in Beirut and we complained there. But once your personal honour gets attacked it’s so difficult to forget it and u even start to hate the race.
second was in a giant supermarket. this horrible fat arab guy with his wife clad in abbaya pushed me around twice not physically but just kept walking into me. third time i tried scaring him off with my trolley into his wife :)) and he burst. and i burst. he was fluent in english. his parents must have given fee to teach him in english schools. where does the emotion of palestine go there? the wife just stood there with a smile. now i think maybe they perceived me to be arabian and they were probably egyptian. but the first one was lebanese.
sometimes i think the arabs deserve it. look at their attitudes with expats. i was shouting so much and he wasnt shutting up. they think everyone is israeli? nobody called security. oh and this mall…the arabian salesmen just kept a pursuit on me. i think i have almost experienced the cairo ladies experiences. we discovered talking to the mall management that salesmen are mostly syrians, lebanese, egyptians. it was rotten. a very posh mall. but i stopped going there especially alone. they started giving numbers. i punched one at one time. felt good to get back. but they never touched or harmed me physically.i realte emotionally.
and that’s when it dawned upon me that pakistani men are just so much more civilized be it my brother, my husband, social circle. we r not talking about the abusive crowd. we have nothing to do with them. but the respectable class at least should have concern for others’ daughters and sisters. but if these people have lost it for their own females, no use.
we are modern too so are our brothers and husbands, but to just give in to animal behaviour on streets, shops, malls. customer services phone desk!! thier new generation has lost it.
university of maryland had campus in riyadh. they hired a few villas in a compound. what’s next? the girls and guys are getting into the swimming pool and other facilities where it was not allowed for university students to go. next thing they had to shut off all access to civilians.
they are rotting. only a few good friends of ours arabians. we love them and value thier lovely personalities.
but generally it’s a zoo this arab world.
أيها الممانعون العرب: هذا واحد من آثار ممانعتكم
دلال البزري الحياة – 05/11/06//
الحدث ينتمي الى النوع السينمائي. مع انه حصل في وسط القاهرة العريقة. في شوارع طلعت حرب وقصر النيل وكورنيش النيل. اول من افصح عنه اصحاب المدوّنات الالكترونية (bloggers)، ثم ذاعت وقائعه. كتبت عنه الصحافة، وكان مادة استنكار من نواب في البرلمان وبعض منظمات حقوق الانسان.
واليكم وقائع الحدث شبه السينمائي هذا: في اليومين الاول والثاني من ايام عيد الفطر، راح رهط من الذكور يصل عدده الى المئة احياناً، وتتراوح اعمار عناصره بين العاشرة والاربعين، يهجمون على اية امرأة مارّة في الطريق، يخلعون ملابسها بالقوة والضرب، ويدسّون ايديهم في كل مناطق جسمها. والأهم من كل ذلك، انهم كانوا لا يميزون بين سافرة ومحجبة ومنقبة. الكل سيان امام السعار. بل الاخيرة، المنقبة، نالت قسطاً خاصاً: إندسّ «الصغار» من الرهط داخل عباءتها بأوامر من «كبارهم» واخذوا يتحسّسون مختلف انحاء جسدها المغطّى…
كل ذلك وسط لا مبالاة المارة ورجال الشرطة على حدّ سواء. التدخل الوحيد كان تهديدا بالمسدس وجهه ضابط ضد مصور حاول التقاط بعض الصور. الجميع كان «يتفرج»، كأنه امام فيلم لا تعنيه احداثه الا بقدر ما تدهشه وتسلّيه. تكرار هذه الوقائع في اليوم نفسه وفي اليوم التالي احلّ الذعر في نفوس مقهورة بالاصل، وانعش الحيرة في العقول الضائعة.
فالحدث ينطوي على مفارقات مثيرة. أولاها انه يأتي بعيد شهر رمضان، شهر الفضيلة والورع والاحساس بجوع المحروم والتقرب الى الله. واذا بالبعض يحوّلون نهايته للتعبير عن ابشع الانحطاط الاخلاقي والروحي، وعن أشدّه بدائية. والأمر يطرح اسئلة على القيمين على الدين عن نوعية التديّن الذي يدعون اليه؛ والخواء الروحي والاخلاقي لطريقتهم في التدين وقدواته الكاذبة، عن مظهرية تدينهم وسطحيته، وتمسكه بالاشكال المفبركة، وعن عدوانيته وعنفه، خصوصا في شهر رمضان المبارك!
المفارقة الثانية تتعلق بالحجاب ومن ثم النقاب. في موجة الحجاب، كان يُقال للنساء: «غطّوا شعوركن، تسلمنَ من تحرشات الشارع ومضايقاته البذيئة». اما في موجة النقاب، فيقال لهن: «غطوا وجوهكن، لعلكن تحظينَ بهيبة في الشارع، بإحترام اكبر… وتحرش اقل». اما مفتي استراليا، الشيخ تاج الدين الهلالي، فخطب في المؤمنين قبيل العيد، هادراً: «غطوا شعور نساءكم! كي لا تعرضن لحمهن ويتعرضن للاغتصاب!».
والحال ان لا الحجاب ولا النقاب حمى سيئات الحظ في تلك الليالي الاولى من رجب… من قطعان هائجة، وواثقة من حقها بهذا «اللحم» النسائي الحيّ، ثقة الموقن بيقينه. «غطينا كل ما يجب ان يُغطّى»، تكاد تقول المنقبة؛ «ماذا نفعل الآن؟ نبقى في البيت؟». نعم… ابقينَ في بيوتكن. وهذا الجواب يأتي من صغار المعنيين: من امين شرطة سأله احد الصحافيين عن سبب عدم حمايته للضحايا من النساء، فأجاب: «أي بنت تنزل في الزحمة دي تستاهل اللي يجرا لها»!
وهو ما يعني ان هجمة الرهط البدائي ليس ابن البارحة، بل هو اختمار في الوجدان، بطيء وخبيث، مفاده من ان بقاء النساء في البيت هو افضل ما يمكن ان يحصل لهن.
المفارقة الثالثة، الأشد خطورة، هي انعدام الديناميكية البوليسية امام حدث كهذا، وارتفاع نفس هذه الديناميكية الى درجات قصوى امام تظاهرات «كفاية» والتظاهرات المعنية بالاصلاح السياسي. فهل ترى الادارة الرسمية ان خطر المطالبين بالاصلاح اشد هولاً من خطر رهط من الذئاب الجائعة المنفتلة من عقالها والمطالبة بحقها الشرعي بـ «الـلحم»؟ اذا كانت تلك هي المعادلة القائمة في رأس الساهرين على أمننا، فمن واجبنا ان نخاف: لأن عقول الساهرين هؤلاء تعطي الاولوية لأمن السلطة على أمن المجتمع.
وما يفسر وجها من وجوه هذا الحدث، هو ان هذه الشرطة تحديداً تغاضت عن بلطجية قاموا بهجوم مماثل منذ عامين على متظاهرات يحتججن على تعديل المادة 76 من الدستور. فاذا كانت الشرطة تحمي البلطجية في سعيرهم حيال متظاهرات، فما الذي يردع مسعورين آخرين عن تنظيم رهط الذئاب؟
وجه آخر ايضاً: المجال الذهني الذي تربت عليه عقول المسعورين حيال «اللحم»؟ ما هي منابت شرعيتهم الاخرى، او ما يولّد الطاقة لديهم؟ الجواب ربما في مكان آخر: في الفكرة التي اطلقها نفس المفتي الاسترالي باستباحة جسد السافرات. وعلى الأثر، سأله صحافي عن موعد تنحّيه، فأجابه المفتي: «بعدما نطهّر البيت الابيض الاميركي أولا».
السؤال هو: ما العلاقة بين «لحمنا» النسائي وبين اشتداد الحرب بيننا وبين اميركا واسرائيل؟ بدليل زيادة نسبة الحجاب ومن ثم النقاب تصاعدياً عند كل محطة من محطات هذا القتال؟ بن لادن، الانتفاضة الفلسطينية الثانية، والغزو الاميركي لأفغانستان والعراق، حرب لبنان بين اسرائيل و»حزب الله»؟ بعد كل معركة من هذه المعارك يتدثّر الجسد النسائي بالأغطية، ويتخفّى وينحني…؟
لماذا؟ ربما لأن حدسهن يشير اليهن بالتنبّه والتغطّي من المتحرشين والزاجرين بعد كل محطة من محطات هذا القتال بيننا وبين اميركا والصهاينة. فكأن جسد المرأة هو المجال الارحب للاستمرار في العداوة؛ كأنه، في الآن عينه، الحصن الحصين ضد الاعداء. والنساء يحدسنَ ذلك.
فوق هذا، وبعدما يكون «لحمهن» الواقعي قد لفّ بمئة لفافة، ترى «اللحم» الافتراضي معرّى تماماً في عالم الغناء بكليباته الساخنة. وهي اكثر ما تشاهده هذه الأنفس الجائعة، بعدما تستمع الى مطربها المفضل، شعبان عبد الرحيم الذي «يكره اسرائيل» و»يحب» المقاومة اللبنانية… تقريبا مثل مفتي استراليا. وفي موازاة كل ذلك، مزيد من المواعظ العدوانية والقدوات الكاذبة والشكليات الدينية المغرقة في التفاهة.
ولربما أخذ بلوغ هذه التصورات عن المرأة مساراً محدداً ليست معالمه واضحة حتى الآن. ولكن يمكن الاجمال بأن الصيرورة التي بدأت بتحجب النساء قد تنتهي بعودة النساء الى البيت، او بخلق غيتوهات خاصة بهن: لا كما كنّ سابقاً، مندرجات في علاقات، صاحبات سرّ وتواطؤ، بل كما هن الآن: معزولات عن الوشائج الانسانية الاكثر إلحاحا، غارقات في الخوف على الحياة. وهذه نهاية ليست مستحيلة. فالنساء اقوى من الرجال في استشعار الخطر وحماية جنسهن البشري. وتغطية كل الجسد ما عدا العيون… حتى هذه لم تنفع. فماذا يبقى غير الانصراف عن الخروج من البيت؟
قد نصل الى هذه النهاية اذا بقي جلّ «الممانعين» يرون في الهوية قاعدة فكرهم وإطارأً له. واذا لم ينتبهوا الى ان قاعدة كهذه وإطاراً كذاك يحولان المرأة الى درع بشري لمعارك الممانعين المتتالية في وجه الغرب. يُستخدم هذا الجسد في المعارك الرمزية في الحرب الثقافية ضد الغرب… وصولا الى استباحته والتصرف به بما تستلزمه المعارك في حركتها واضطرامها!
قد تكون هذه معالم الحقبة المقبلة التي تنتظرنا. فلنرَ.
I would please urge everyone to look into this beyond a sexual frustration issue. This is an issue of a new breed of Egyptians, deprived of basic human needs, they have descended into a subhuman behavior. This manifests itself in every aspect of life, sexual harrassment of women is but a single small drop in the sea.
Last week, a friend, a respectable, educated 33 year old male, was pulled out of his car and beaten by another mob because he dared honk his horn at a zaffa motorade that was blocking the street. He said that only a couple of guys came at him because they heard the horn, but about another 15 just joined in without really understanding what was going on. It is the herd mentality, the symptom of grave social disintegration. Next we will see herds..I’m sorry groups.. of those men mugging people on the streets, vandalizing property, etc… Women are just the first target, but this new generation will not stop there.
I lived and worked in Cairo for most of 1988. As a Western woman, I felt it was important to show respect for the Egyptian culture. I dressed modestly with a long skirt and covered arms.
I was traveling and living alone. Although my family in Canada was worried about me; I felt very comfortable. There were a few occassions when seedy men tried to bother me. Each and every time, elegant Egyptian men came to my rescue.
For instance, on a bus from Cairo to Dahab, a very sleezy man sat beside me and tried to engage me. I ignored him. Then he tried to touch me. At once, a group of 5 or 6 young Egyptian men got up from their seats, yelled at him (I don’t understand Arabic), and then sat around me for the duration of the trip.
On another occassion, I was walking down the street in Cairo and a young man ran up to me, grabbed my breast, and then ran away. I froze from the shock of it. A group of older Egyptian gentlemen nearby gave chase, and brought the young man back to me to apologize. They also summoned the police.
The point I am making is simple. My experience of Egyptians is that they are inherently elegant and civilized people.
As I have not been in Egypt since 1990, it is hard for me to reconcile my memories with the recent reports of sexual assaults and public displays of disrespect for women with the culture that I experienced.
Truly, for the citizens of one of the cradles of civilization to behave in such a base and uncultivated manner is shocking.
I wish you all the best in your endeavours to return Egypt to itself.
انى اشم ناسيم الحريه
انى اثق فى اننا سنصل اليه
ولكن متى ينقشع هذا الغمام
متى تفيق الامه
ارجوا الا نستيقذ على كابوس
Of all the postings, I have to say that I found the postings by Hind and Sue to be the most insightful … mainly because they attempted to address the root of the problem rather than use the opportunity to make political statements (not that i wouldn’t love to make a few of my own).
This isn’t about police incompetence (which they are) or the average egyptian’s aloofness and apathy (which they have become) nor is it about a government whose main concern is to stay in power (even if that in turn means letting the Egyptian people vent off their anger and frustration in unscrupulous ways) … this is about the deterioration of the ethics of the middle class Egyptian male to a new low. It’s no secret that these values have been deteriorating for awhile, but for it to reach this level paints a very dim picture of what is yet to come.
I also couldn’t help but see the irony of the situation. Egyptians were, after all, celebrating the end of the holy month of Ramadan … and how better way to celebrate it other than by ruining the 30 days of so-called fasting. What’s even more ironic is that, in general, Egyptians are “supposedly” more religious today than they have ever been in the past 60 years at least. What does that tell us about the methods of teaching Islam deployed by our religious leaders nowadays? Are we perhaps stressing religious fundamentals and ignoring the essence of Islam? Ilmo3amla, ilmo3amla, ilmo3amla!
The questions are numerous. And the dilemma is huge. Unfortunately, to find the answer, we need to start by holding ourselves responsible rather than laying the blame on others …
يا جماعة انتوا مستنيين ايه من جيل بدون قدوة ولا هدف ولا احتياجات اساساية وبلد مفيش حد فيها بيتحاسب
وعلى فكرة اللى جاى اتقل وربنا يستر
انا معاك مع انى جندى امن مركزى بسوالله انا معى اى حد يشيل العادلى يمكن لآنى شفت ازاى بتتعامل ازاى فىالشوارع وكيف ان كلمة احقرمخبر فى أحقر قسم يمكن ان تذهب بالمواطن وراء الشمس وكمان عشان انا شفت الامن المركزى وشفت بيعملو ايه فى العساكر وازاى بيخلوهم وحوش وربنا معاك
ألا يكفينا مهانة أن تنتهك أعراض الرجال والنساء في بلد المفروض أنه إسلامي ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله إلي متي السكوت والرضوخ لهذا الفساد أنا أري أنه يجب إقالة وزير الداخلية ومحاكمة كل فاسد في هذا البلد أنا محمد طالب في العلوم السياسة
People really need to stop with the whole “Egypt is an Islamic country” bullshit.
seriously, between sexual harrasment in the middle of the street, to corruption, to drugs, to homosexuality, to violence/terrorism, where is Islam?
Egypt stopped being an Islamic country a few years ago, and became a failed society. People don’t want to work. They use the prayers as an excuse to get out of work. What happened to “El 3amal 3ebada”? I’m sure the Prophet would be dancing in joy to hear that Muslims use prayers as an excuse to be lazy.
C’mon. We, as Egyptians, need to wake up. Khalas, kefaya el kharra dah.
We have an Pharaoh for a president, and he’s not even a good one at that. Where the hell are the religious leaders? Oh, I forgot, they’re corrupt as well.
The youth were targeting girls that were veiled, that were walking with their families, sometimes even with their husbands/brothers!!!!!!
تفتكرو ان المشكله فى انه يمشى او يقعد ما هو لو مشى العادلى هييجى اللى العن منه ليه بتفكرو فى ديل الحيه وتسيبو الراس
ده انسان ملعون و انشاء الله كل اللى حصل ده هيحصل ليه و لولاد و عيلته كلها انشاء الله و كما تدين تدان و شوفوا بقى كام حاجة حصلت اى كام قصاص مطلوب تحقيقه عليه بأذن الله و اللهى ده موش مسلم ولا حتى مصرى ده بأذن الله هيلقى ربه و يحاسب حساب عسير ربنا يستر علينا
باقي 5 دقائق لو الراجل ده ما مشيش
البلد هتولع نار زود الفساد وموت العباد وحرق الدين وكسر الحق
اقــــــــــــــــــــيلوه وإلا
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل ربنا ينتقم منو. أللهم ول هذه الأمة أمر رشد يعذ فيه أوليائك ويذل فيه أعدائك ويأمر فيه بالمعروف وينهى فيه عن امنكر.
والله يا جماعه احنا بنقول يقال يقال يقال
بس يا ترى الى حيجى مين ؟؟؟؟؟؟
ماسخم من سيدى الا ستى
الموضوع مش موضوع وزير داخليه ولا مواصلات ولا اتصالات ولازراعه ولا تجاره
الموضوع موضوع نظام كامل لو فعلا عايزين الصح راس الفساد تتشال مش نسيب الراس و ندور على الديول ولا ايــــــــــه
Problems are the same Muslim world over. Ruled by tyrants who pocket the aid given by the west to suppress Islam and Muslims. They do not even attempt to build the economy as they have no clue as to how to govern. Swapping the army uniform for an Armani suit does not make you statesmen. Corruption becomes rife in all corners of the society and the jobs are no longer based on merit but who you know.
These rulers can now sit back and watch the seeds of ugly secularism they have planted in their lands. They wanted the prosperity of the west by following their secular belief and all they ended up with is a faithless society with all its ills. I guess this is the price all Muslim countries will pay for persecuting and torturing the Islamists.
Young men and women attempting to get married are met by cultural hurdles of dowry and other obstacles. So we have good decent women and men getting older with no marriage in sight because we have set our sights so high. If only we simplify the process of marriage, some of the ills could be tackled overnight.
If I had to nominate any of the replies for best response it wud b saladina. good grasp of the situation.
IF u look at iraq and what’s happening there u wud think arabs are capable of even brutally killing each other if there are no controls. But in lebanon, there was no such thing groups killing each other. in fact people found their properties and posessions exaclty the same way they left them when they came back. this is brilliant.
just reading in a daily, that local arabian male fondled and harrassed 2 filipino ladies and when she threatened with police he did not care and continued!!!
this street we go to for shopping, a lady actually has had to keep her glass door unrepaired so it is very heavy to open coz the local guys hit the glass door with football and scare her and open it and shout. on all that street u see wild boys and girls. saying things to each other and passers by. there is open prejudice and harrassment!! does this happen anywhere in the world?
When traveling all over Egypt two years ago with my husband and 3 beautiful blond teenage daughters, we were treated with respect everywhere. I felt so safe and respected, in fact, safer than in any American city I’ve been to. At the restaurant in the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, really great young men told us how to use the subway to get out to our friend’s apartment in Maadi. After being dropped off by taxi at the Citadel and finding it closed, we began to walk in the old part of Islamic Cairo. A group of 10 and 12 year old boys started coming after us, laughing and somewhat harrassing us. When I turned around to scold them in my best teacher’s voice, a very kind shopkeeper gentleman gave them all a great loud scolding and I came home to Canada feeling so much respect and admiration for Egyptian people and men. The wonderful men at Shark’s Bay Bedouin Resort also treated my daughters and I respectfully. When we took the bus from Sharm back to Cairo and stopped at the checkpoint, my girls disappearred for 20 minutes. I found them (and only them) in a big restaurant with some male chefs and waiters being fed and taken care of. There are many more memories I have wherever we went of really great Egyptian people. I wish to thank all of these wonderful Egyptian men and say that some negative events happen everywhere but the majority of Egyptian people are very special and rank up there at the top.
Please take care, young men of Egypt. You wild ones are really better than that. You are from an ancient and royal ancestry. You can change your society for the better.
Having spent time in Cairo in 2003-04, I must say that I am a bit shocked by this incident. The police presence I observed downtown was always relatively thick, and they were well armed (Kalashnikovs, etc). The police count was certainly higher than is normal in any Canadian city. That the police stood by and allowed this to occur and continue is shocking. Yes, it may sound a bit crude, but they should have been cracking some heads, not standing by and watching this sort of thing unfold.
Shame on the police in Cairo.
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته الاول احب اوجه الشكر الى المسؤول عن الموقع ده واحب اساندكم بالرئ انو لازم يتشال
وكمان يشال كل ماهو فاسد فى البلاد وللاسف هم كتير مش هنعرف نعدهم وبرنا معانا